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Pets and Weather???

for 21 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I know this is quite an old string of discussion but maybe worth talking about - I mean, our pets. I have a dog who has been a great therapist for me. First of all, I am agoraphobic but when I know that I have to go out with her for a short walk, I am able to do that on my own (mind you, at the moment I have problems with leaving my house and doing exposure connected with it). So she helps me with exposure really. Secondly, I can play all sorts of games with her which may not be "intellectual" but help me relax. Thirdly, I have discovered through her the beauthy of nature and started reading and watching programs about animals which in itself is very thepeutic - I don't know how I just know it helps! Maybe takes your mind off the problems? What pets do you have and do they help you with panic/agora? Would like to hear your observations. Iwona
for 22 år siden 0 36 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I agree! I LOVE the fall and spring, its the only time of year i feel somewhat sane! I also agree that any extreme, or sudden change, is what causes panic attacks. Its the only explanation for mine, b/c i don't have any known triggers. I guess its good though, b/c i know that i need a little more preparation time b/4 doing something than the average person, but this cuts down on surprises! (This is why i'm not very spontaneous!) Thanks for your reply!
for 22 år siden 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Beth, I'd have to say that Heat and Humidity are the highest on my list for Panic Attacks!....and my pet poodle is a great comfort! I'll also add that the extreme cold is also a trigger. I guess it's the "extreme" I've read that many people with Panic Attacks don't like any changes happening in their bodies, especially sudden ones. I've actually heard that alot of "normal" people have a "problem" with the heat/humidity. Wish I could control the weather, but I'll probably have better luck with controlling myself.....lol !!!!!!!!!!!!! Boy, if everyday was a "Fall" day! Any comments? Janice :gasp:
for 22 år siden 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You go Girl!..I'm in that dirt with ya babe! LOL.. currently I have no fish tanks ( have one in kids room tho).. hehe... We have 3 cats. a dog and a rat.. my fav past time is my flower beds. Trying a veggie garden w/ my girls this year. and I do infact have the worlds smallest fish pond settled in one of the flower areas.. LOL.. small, I mean S-M-A-L-L.. hehe.. is probley only 3 x 2 ft, 8 inches deep..and I built it myself. only thing I paid for was the pump. (I was pretty creative) LOL.. but big enough for a few gold fish,.. and when winter comes ill put them in my kids fish tank. I could not agree with you more.. THIS is the area I find I like the best to get relaxed, to get calm.. i just quit smoking so I can REALLY smell my flowers now.. Is just great.. somedays I find myself standing outthere in the sunshine.. my face twords the rays, the large ornimental lilys are so wonderful w/ fregrance right now.. I'll just be breathing.. with my eyes closed. and I feel such peace. It may last only a few moment b4 is broked by the sounds of the house or cars..But for that instant I'm at peace and everything feels allright.
for 22 år siden 0 77 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, Lady...I used to have an aquarium when my kids were young, but all grown up now and have their own. We've always had a cat for love and attention, and I am now building a pond in my yard for some fish. I did have it built, but wasn't happy with it, so tore it apart and am now inthe process of redoing it. Almost ready toput the liner in and then the pumps. I have a big elephant that will stand on a rock with feet just below the surface where the pump is and it will squirt water from its trunk over its back. I also have a smaller spray to go in, but may put a little waterfall in instead with all the rocks I've dug frrom the ground. Gardening and watergardens, no matter how small, are great therapy and keep you busy with someitn to concentrate on. Anything you can find to keep busy and needs your attention is good for you. Hope this helps someone looking for ideas. LUV, SUZY.
for 22 år siden 0 77 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Beth...I think thathaving a pet is a wonderful idea. We have a cat (teenager) who takes a lot of attention, butstill likes to act independant. They are a great sense of relief and pleasure. If you are depressed or anxious, just petting or playing with them really helps to relax you and gives you something to concentrate on. They DO have a sosrt of sixth ssense and seem to know when you are not feeling yourself and stayvery near you. Many hospitals and senior homes have people volunteer to bring in their pets to visit the elderly and it gives them a real sense of love and needing. Something that is lacking in their lives is filled with the company of a dog or cat. I have wanted to get a puppy to train and take with me on walks and camping for company and protection, but haven't got to the stage yeat to take on that responsibility of commitment it takes to be in charge of one yet. Cats are more independent and easier to own, and are always there for you to love. The last one we had ws 18 before we had to send it to his resting place near the lilac trees, and it took a year before we could replace him. Our new female is so audible, she announces her presence every time she comes in and tells us of all her adventures, has something to eat, and away she goes again. Quite the hunter. But if I am feeling low, she stays very near. As for the humidity, I can'ttolerate it at all. Can't accomplish anything, and find it depressing. Thank gosh we finally got an air-conditioner for the sunroom and makes it heavenly, and also have it in our Van. Its very similar to winter blues and lack of sunlight then. I suffer from that too, so we had a large, bright sun-room built; but if there is no sun, it can be very dreary. I love thunder storms and when it gets veryclose, a good thunder storm can break the air pressure and we can all breath again. Mother nature is wonderful. If it gets close, take a walk near the ocean or a lake where there is a breeze to release the pressure you feel, or take a cool shower. That really works well. Hope I've been alble to help in some way. I know how you feel. Post often so we can chat more. ***LUV, SUZY.
for 22 år siden 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Beth, better late than never...I agree w/ AM pet therapy is good therepy. And i wanted to tell you the benifits of having an aquarium as well.. water is calming. watching community type fish is relaxing. It's been shown that when people watch an aqarium it can lower blood pressure. This is something you could do if you have an office for instance. Be Good, Lady
for 22 år siden 0 173 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Beth..in response to your post relative to pets...mine help me a great deal. They are terifically smart and seem to sense when we need some support or just some good old loving. My pets are birds..and I am extremely fortunate to have one bird,,and African grey. She is super intelligent, and we are bonded. I am in the middle of a move to sunny Central Fl, and haven't much time on my friends' computer. Will get back, and write in depth when I am able to spen d soe time on here. Love, RED
for 22 år siden 0 1062 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, Beth and Celyn. A good relationship with a pet is good for one's health and there are lots of research studies to back this up. Petting animals is a known blood pressure reducer. Some pets are so sensitive to your moods that they automatically seem to know how to try to calm a person by demanding a show of affection and a moment of quiet attention. -- Anne-Marie, Site Administrator
for 22 år siden 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Beth. Yes, you might bbe right about humidity - it has been quite warm and humid here - and I don't like it! I had not made that connection before though. As for pets, I have a cat, which is quite nice. I think having a dog and being obliged to take it for walks when one really really did not want to go out could be a bit unpleasant, - though I suppose the fact it obliged one to go out would be therapeutic. So, really, I suppose I'm saying I don't know!

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