Beth...I think thathaving a pet is a wonderful idea. We have a cat (teenager) who takes a lot of attention, butstill likes to act independant. They are a great sense of relief and pleasure. If you are depressed or anxious, just petting or playing with them really helps to relax you and gives you something to concentrate on. They DO have a sosrt of sixth ssense and seem to know when you are not feeling yourself and stayvery near you. Many hospitals and senior homes have people volunteer to bring in their pets to visit the elderly and it gives them a real sense of love and needing. Something that is lacking in their lives is filled with the company of a dog or cat. I have wanted to get a puppy to train and take with me on walks and camping for company and protection, but haven't got to the stage yeat to take on that responsibility of commitment it takes to be in charge of one yet. Cats are more independent and easier to own, and are always there for you to love. The last one we had ws 18 before we had to send it to his resting place near the lilac trees, and it took a year before we could replace him. Our new female is so audible, she announces her presence every time she comes in and tells us of all her adventures, has something to eat, and away she goes again. Quite the hunter. But if I am feeling low, she stays very near. As for the humidity, I can'ttolerate it at all. Can't accomplish anything, and find it depressing. Thank gosh we finally got an air-conditioner for the sunroom and makes it heavenly, and also have it in our Van. Its very similar to winter blues and lack of sunlight then. I suffer from that too, so we had a large, bright sun-room built; but if there is no sun, it can be very dreary. I love thunder storms and when it gets veryclose, a good thunder storm can break the air pressure and we can all breath again. Mother nature is wonderful. If it gets close, take a walk near the ocean or a lake where there is a breeze to release the pressure you feel, or take a cool shower. That really works well. Hope I've been alble to help in some way. I know how you feel. Post often so we can chat more. ***LUV, SUZY.