Hi embg
I think your first weekend IS tough. I think it is tough because for most people they see the weekend as a time when they get to do what they want, they relax, and no doubt because they could do what they wanted - they smoked.
Last weekend was my first weekend without smoking. I find Friday night hard, as we usually down some beers after work, and chill. I didnt really drink this friday night. Sat was really tough, I cycled into town and we went to some bars, I really thought a lot about smoking Sat... sun we watched Brazil V Australia football in a Brazilian bar and loads of people were smoking - I had a great time and didnt care at all that i wasnt smoking!
You just have to get through it, you will be at the same (around) stage of your quit this weekend as I was at mine last weekend.. and although I found Sat (a bit) tough, really it was ok. It didnt kill me. I still had a good laugh, and I didnt really think I was missing out - as I wasnt.