Let me add my welcome, Susan. If you'd like more information on Celexa, you can find it on their Wrb site at http://www.celexa.com/about_celexa/how_it_works.asp
Hi Susan,
Welcome to our support group. It seems like your panic attacks are really getting to you! This support group is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will find that we are a group of people that are here to help out in any which way we can.
Have you tried out Anxitey Test Susan? You will find that the Anxiety Test is not a diagnostic tool and is not a replacement or substitute for a physician's advice. The purpose of the test is to prepare you with information that you can present to your physician. When you're finished the test, you can either print your final report or email it directly to your doctor. With regards to your medication we have a medication glossary that may give you the information you need. We look forward to hearing more from you and hope that you will post often.
Take Care,
Hi - I'm new to this site and hope you all can helpme feel not so alone . . . . I've had panic attacks for about 6 years now, mostly in situations where i feel it's hard to get out (movies, class, etc.) but now i'm having them almost anywhere and I have thoughts of doing crazy and inappropriate things like slapping my boss or just walking out of work??? Does anyone else have strange thoughts that you might be going crazy? I am not a violent person and would never do this but the thoughts are so scary and induce a panic attack?
I recently started on Celexa - any know much about that?
Thanks for any input . . .