Hi Anne-Marie,
Thanks for your message, I have done the test and it has said that I do suffer from panic attacks and anxiety, I have had loads of tests done at the Drs for bloood pressure, heart tested, blood taken for various tests, etc but the Drs hasnt said anything about panic attacks etc. The best way I can describe how I feel is that at the time I feel really dizzy and feel like Im going to faint, pounding heart, shortness of breath which I get a pain in my chest, I start to sweat, have a lump in my throat and find it hard to swollow, hot and cold flushes, and I feel like I have missed a step and come out of my body for a few seconds, if that makes any sence. I rarly go out I have to take my boys to school which is a 15 minuet walk which I force myself to do twice a day, sometimes its really bad and I feel like crawling home on my hands and knees as I feel so bad, My partner takes me shopping for food etc and as long as hes there beside me Im able to control it but I do the shopping in record time as quickly as I can, after reading everyones elses symptons it does sound as if I do have panic attacks and I do want to get over this but dont know how to, my Dr told me to eat a sensible diet and drink plenty of water, I have been feeling this way for 3 years and it has stopped me from having a social life and to get a job etc, I used to drive but gave this up as I didnt feel safe to drive as when I feel dizzy its the same feeling as being really drunk, I really hope that we can share each others experiences and can offer some help to each other, well thats all about me, and I look forward from hearing from you, thank you for taking the time to read this.
Best wishes from Elaine.