Hi, April, I'm so glad you posted at this site. I is reassuring for you to know that we are not alone. There are millions of us out there..all scared and alone.
I think it would be goos for you to take control of your disorder by learning all you can about it. Also the medications that rae available, what they are for and how they work.
medication is not the only course of action for this disorder..
There are bookstores with shelves upon shelves of books na sworkbooks, that can help people with apnc and anxiety.
You can also search the Internet, for these subjects and read what comes up. I do it al the time, and each search produces yet more results. The medical profession is learning more and more evry day.
I have had this disorder in many of its forms since I was a child, many years ago. I am not new to this. I have worked on myself al these years and have to admit that it has helped me greatly.
I believe that we must learn and gain strength for ourselves, so that we are not vulnerable to some who would take advantage of us. I think that it has gotten much better for me, since Itook charge of my course of action. My docto agrees. I have been seeing a psychologist for PTSD, for the last 7 years, and have made graet progress. With his guidance, and my will to better myself, graet things have been happeneu\ing in my life.
I only hope that you will do the same for yourself.