I, too, have suffered with Panic Disorder, and horrible anxiety attacks all of my life. I think you NEED to see your dr and tell him that Celexa makes you sick. It does take a little time for some drugs to work, and side effects should go away after a little time. If not, thee are many more available.
Isn't it time do did something for yourself? Help is a phone call away. You have had this for so long,and back then not much was known about this disorder, but now, there is a lot of info out there, even drs that specialize in this.
I myself, have been in therapy for 7 years and have worked thru many of my problems, including a driving phobia, caused by a bad car accident.
I am confident that with the proper medical advice, you could be working thru this disorder, which wreaks havoc with our lives.
Even the WTC event, has caused anxiety and PD in many people who have never suffered, so you know that the gov't will be taking steps in funding newresearch on this important matter. My daughter keeps me up to date on any new drug research, as she works in that field.
The purpose of this site is not for medical advice, but for support. We can only relate to you, our problems on an individual basis, and tell you how we handled our own situations. I believe that if you are not comfortable with this physician, that you call your family doctor and get a referral to another specialist.
Did you take the test on this site? It is called the "Anxiety Test".It is a valuable diagnostic tool, and will save you hours and hours of explanation in the drs office. I think many of the members here,as well as visitors, have taken it,it, and then took the results to their doctors. It is very informative, an zeros in on the exact area of the problem that you have.This is a complex disorder, with many many differing causes and effects.
There are also many workbooks, and texts on thsi subject, available in bookstores today. See the self-help sction of one of the big bookstores near you...or try the library.
There is now more knowledge now than ever on this subject, with new books being written all the time.
The first step in recovering from this, is to take a giant step, and get a book or two, call your dr, and take a pro-active approach in helping yourse