Dear Victoria,
You lucked found this site! I know exactly what you are going through - below, I cut and pasted an experience I had just recently - just to let you know how severe my attacks can get. But, the good news is, they are rarely that bad anymore. I have worked very hard to get a handle, so to speak, on my panic and agoraphobia. This is a 'working' site, you can learn and evalualte yourself by reading and interacting with the site adminstrator and the other member of the group...
When I was running out of the movie theatre in a state of panic, tunnel vision honing in - hearing nothing but the beat of my heart, seeing the mouths moving on the faces of the people around me but hearing no sound just the fuzz in my head - I was no one, just lost in the crowd - I ran in the bathroom to find solace, found none, ran back out to the maze of a 24 movie theatre - I was 'peaking', freaking, out of control - all I could think of was to find a police officer, a stranger - and when I did make my way to the police officer, he did take me in his arms, told me everything was going to be o.k., he would take care of me - and he did, he called the paramedics - then, while he was consoling me in front of probably 100 people (I did not care) a wonderful lady, a professor at FAU in a beautiful black suit with sweet eyes - looked into mine - she saw me having trouble from way across the crowd - made her way to me and said: Look into my eyes, I won't leave you, are you having a panic attack? She took me into her arms, her friend, who is a nurse, also put her arms around me - two strangers saw my plight, came to my side - I will never forget those two courageous, compassionate women - they stayed with me until my friends were found in the theatre - they even came inside the emergency vehicle with me - when my friends came, they even stayed to explain. They walked me to our car and we said a good bye only two people who share the same panic attacks can do. They were strangers that helped me through a horrendous situation.
There are many wonderful people out there in the world - I only hope I will be able to reach out and help someone like me someday, I will feel honored.
So, I will look for you on this site, if you committ to working on your issues, yo