Recently, almost 3 months ago, I gave up smoking. Up until two weeks ago I was doing great and then I started having weird rushing feelings in my stomach and a certain amount of breathlessness. I was frightened by this and couldn't understand what was happening, the company nurse has since told me I am suffering minor panic attacks and I have made an appointment with my doctor.
I would like to ask a few questions-
1. Is this related to my quit, 2. What would cause it and 3 Can sense of smell begin a panic.
Since I was told what this was I am beginning to handle it better, I think the fright was making it worse for me. The question on sense of smell, I ask this as certain smells and even places seem to trigger this, for instance the smell of coffee, or being in certain places, it just comes on without me thinking about it, is this right. I have stopped drinking coffee in case it is a trigger, should I have.
Look forward to your replies. :confuse: