Hi, Maria,
I am currently taking Klonopin for muscle spasms, and my friend, Kathy, is taking same for panic disorder. This is a benzo, that is prescribed for many different conditions. Basically it is a tranquilizer, that has different side effects than other drugs in its class. I am also on Xanax, for panic disorder. This is a short acting drug of the same catagory as Klonopin, but works differently. I also have Vanium, for that rare occasion that I woould have a bad attack. It has a better "initial sting" and gets things back in order faster that the Xanax.
I also take 50 to 150mg of the anti-depressant,(SSRI I think,) Trazadone at night for sleep. This is a very popular dual purpose drug. Have you ever tried this one? It is great for sleep.
I also take 2700mg of Neurontin a day, for nerve pain. They found this side effect of the anti-convulsive drug after much research material was colleccted. It does dull the sharp parts of nerve pain, but does not take it away completely.
All of this and I take Prozac as well, for depression. Chronic pain people have bad problems with depression, and can begin a downward spiral if not watched constantly and medicated properly.
In addition to these, I take 3 or 4 different pain-killers, that I would rather not mention online. Pain meds are very depressing drugs. I imagine the need for some of the antidepressants stems from the use of these meds.
The worst part of this, is that the only drug I took before the accident was Premarin, and Xanax,PRN. That in itself is very depressing.