I knew about Kim Basinger, but had no idea how many other celebraties were panicing these days. Why aren't our names on that list? :)
By the way, I did that 6 column excercise, I am going to keep trying it - interesting, to challenge the beast.
Bye for now,
It may be a few days late but seeing John Madden (football announcer) on TV on Sunday reminded me that I think he has suffered from panic attacks in the past. In fact, I think he had to take trains all over the USA to cover football games because he refused to fly. I don't know if he has "beat" "it" and now flies or not. Anybody know the rest of the story?
Looking around on the web a bit I have noticed several sites where there are lists of famous people who have been reported to suffer from panic attacks
for example
Kim Basinger (actress)
Delta Burke (actress)
Donny Osmond (entertainer)
John Cougar Mellancamp (musician, actor)
Ann Wilson (Singer - Rock Group "Heart")
Winona Ryder (actress)
Marie Osmand (entertainer)
Cher (singer, actress)
Beverly Johnson (supermodel)
Roseanne Barr (comedian - actress)
Michael Jackson (singer)
Naomi Judd (singer)
Susan Powter (tv host)
Nicholas Cage (actor)
Sissy Spacek (actress)
Johnny Depp (actor)
Sally Field (actress)
Alanis Morisette (singer)
Burt Reynolds (actor)
Courtney Love (singer - actress)
Naomi Campbell (supermodel)
David Bowie (singer)
Carly Simon (singer)
Aretha Franklin (singer)
Lani O'Grady (actress)
Michael English (singer)
Sir Laurence Olivier (actor)
Earl Campbell (football player)
Al Kasha (songwriter)
Emily Dickinson (poet)
Marty Ingels (comedian)
John Madden (sports announcer)
Leila Kenzle (actress)
Willard Scott (weatherman)
Shecky Greene (comedian)
Olivia Hussey (actress)
Oprah Winfrey (host - says she had just one attack)
Tom Snyder (host)
John Candy (comedian - actor)
Sam Shepard (playwright)
Isaac Asimov (author - educator)
Charles Schultz (cartoonist)
Dean Cain (actor)
Barbra Streisand (singer - actress)
Anne Tyler (author)
James Garner (actor)
Jim Eisenreich (baseball)
Pete Harnisch (baseball)
Nikola Tesla (inventor)
Charlotte Bronte (author)
Alfred Lord Tennyson (poet)
Sigmund Freud (psychiatrist)
John Steinbeck (author)
W.B. Yeats (poet)
Sir Isaac Newton (scientist)
Abraham Lincoln (president)
Barbara Gordon (filmmaker)
Robert Burns (poet)
Edvard Munch (artist)
John Stuart Mill (philosopher)
Calista Flockhart (sp.?)
Lucille Ball (actress, singer)
Jordan and Jonathon