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2025-02-18 6:49 AM

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hi! introdxuction

for 23 år siden 0 1062 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thumbs up on your joining the group here, Charlie! I just want to add my welcome to the others and hope your stay here will be pleasant and fruitful.
for 23 år siden 0 33 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Charlie Nice to met you Most of my friends don't know "whats what" with me either. I keep it to myself pretty much most of the time. I too thought that there was something terribly physically worng with me. Funny enough, I actually avoided going to my doctor for YEARS because I was afraid that I would be given some kind of "death sentence". I guess I am a bit anxious and avoidant when it comes to physicians too but that is another story. As for drinking. I am not sure you have to quit but from all I have read and heard, drinking just makes things worse. The physiological symptoms of withdrawal (what people usually experience during a "hangover") result in a lot of "rebound anxiety". It helps me somewhat to know that that is what will happen if I drink too much, which for me is more than about 4 beers per night. Although drinking may help me cope in the moment (I also have considerable social anxiety), I pay for it (with interest) the next day. My guess is that people with panic feel about 10X more lousy the morning after than the average person. The way I look at it, is that sometimes it may be worth it (when I am having a great time with old friends, for example) and sometimes it is not (I guess when I am drinking just to cope). Too much coffee is not a good idea, but I seem to be oay with about two cups a day, again as long as I remember why I might be feeling quite agitated. Hope to talk to you again
for 23 år siden 0 173 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome, Charlie, it is nice to meet you.I am sorry you are having problems from your drinking. I guess you have read most of the posts so you know my story. just in case you haven't read, I have suffered with panic disorder all my life.As far back as I can remember. That is the heredity part. then came the full blown attacts thru varous times of my life, still not diagnosed by a doctor. Then some Post Traumatic attacks and problems associated with traumas. I have a driving phobis now from a car accident. I have been diagnosed and am being treated for all of the types. I have done well with the driving phobia, using behavior modification therapy. It worked very well, that desensitization program. I think I would give up drinking if I were you. If this precipitates this condition, I would absolutely QUIT . It isn't worth it. But that is between you and your doctor. Are you on meds for this condition?
for 23 år siden 0 198 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear Charlie, I am so glad I found this site, and, hopefully you will to. If you search around and the many 'posts' you will recieve valuable information and personal testimonies of many people suffering from the exact same thing you are - it is incredible how every person's stories and daily experiences are the same - it is a great place to come everyday to tell what is going on with you and get advice. I intend you use this site if ever I am having a full blown attack here at home with no one to reach out to -the site administrator Anne-Marie says whe would respong to an panic S.O.S., so to speak, if anyone would ever need to. I have had panic attacts since I was 12 or 13, then thye subsided a bit, then came on full force in my early twenties - now, I do have an MVP in my heart and that is a common thread with panic/agoaphobia. There is a guy in this group named MrBubble - he has alot of great stuff to say about Cognitive Therapy - I copy and paste his writings into my Word program them print them out - very very helpful. I have been to therapists for years, prescribing me antiaxiety meds, so I can function in life and not be a total hermit - I am in public relations and also, hide my 'freaking out' episodes from those who would think I was an absolute raving lunatic - my real friends understand me and love my anyway - do you have someone you can call and would unconditionally help you through an attack? Bye for now, Maria
for 23 år siden 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My name is Charlie and I am from near London.I am 20, unemployed and believe i have suffered from panic attacks for 3 years. Not that I have anyone to compare them to but I would say my attacks are fairly sever and appear to come from nowhere. They are always bad after drinking ( which i only do once a week ) and they are affecting my social life.. i don't feel hopless or depressed, infact my friends would say I was easy going i think.... Here is a breif description of my symptoms in the order they happen: 1) Sweaty Palms/Hands clenching by themselves/ shoulder blades tensing up up 2) shortness of breath and superficial non- productive cough which is a result of me trying to get more air in my lungs 3) heart skipping and lump in throat/ general feeling of unreality so jeez there ya go. :) As you can imagine until i had an ECG/Chest X-ray i was pretty scared of keeling over on the spot. Bit simply knowing it's Panic has not made me feel any less uneasy when having an attack, so I'm trying empathy. :) I hope to make some friends here. Don't get me wrong I love all my friends... but they don't know. So thanks for your time, since my attacks are regular I plan to be a regular user.. look forward to Chatting =) Charlie

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