Have you ever noticed that there are lots of smokers all complaning of anxiety and they have panic attacks ( they do not call them that) . They are confused and want to know what is going on in their body, but are too afraid to mention it. They think, like you and I once did, that they are the only one in the whole world with this unknown frenzy with no name.
This is so common, you would be surprized at how many are discovering what they have just by quitting the weeds. Also, quitting smoking does clear out the carbon dioxide and many other substances in your body.Did I ask you, do you smoke? Forgive me for being inquisitive, but that is my nature so we can have good conversations..If I am too busy..just tell me, please
Your apartment sounds dream, a place by the sea.
Always chech all gas appliances..aleays.
I hve 1 gas hot water heater..and it's outside. I do not have that worry, but I know the headache and nausea well. I does go away quickly. Take some real deep breaths 5 or 6 times a helps to clean.
I have noticed that I am very sensitive to many things that most are not. Unfortunately, I do not have a friend with Panic Disorde, who is not in denial so I have no one but you and this site to discuss this problem. I do have my doctor..but this is different, Don't you think?