Welcome to The Panic Center Support Group!
Welcome to our opening day! As this site is launched, please take the time to browse through the excellent resources provided here. I am thrilled to be a part of this site. There are lots of goodies here for the diagnosed, the curious, and the professionals.
If you feel you suffer from panic attacks, feel free to study the material on the site. Take the panic test! Find out how you can best use it. Visit the library. Explore the site in detail. There€™s a lot to see, and good information for sufferers and professionals alike.
You are invited to post to give support to others. How to post? We can support someone by showing our understanding of what they are going through. If you share a tip that worked for you, or have experience in coping, please feel free to share it. We do not offer individual medical, pharmaceutical, or therapeutic advice, nor urge anyone to go against the advice of their therapist. Within those parameters of not telling another what they should do, or what medication they should take, we can still help each other.
Panic disorders are real, and often very frightening for those who suffer from them. A kind, and a positive, encouraging attitude are what help.
Posts are moderated based on the User Agreement. Please make sure you have read it. In order to get the maximum use of this Support Group, please post your messages in the appropriate forum. New members will best be helped in this way.
Thanks, and WELCOME!
Anne-Marie, Site Administrator