I feel this has nothing to do with my level of maturity
Sure it does! They say that when we quit smoking, we literally go back to the emotional level that we were at when we started smoking... and for many of us, that was when we were teenagers and... well... immature. Since our coping mechanism has always been smoking, we have never learned how to deal with our emotions in any other way other than smoking... so when we quit, we have to learn to deal with them, and yes, that takes a certain amount of maturity that most of us have to gain after we quit. I believe you quit at age 15 and I at age 17... I can only speak for myself, but I was DEFINITELY not the most mature 17 year old out there, and I do feel like when I quit, I went back to that emotional maturity level at least to some degree.
I too have struggled emmensely with my quit and have grown up, as have you. You and I have both grown up together over the past 11 or so months, so I think it's safe to say that at least a little bit of this was in fact immaturity... but not the same type of immaturity that a teenager or child has. See, we're definitely mature in our responsibilities. You just finished school, are raising your family, working full time and have other commitments as well, and in the midst of all of that, you quit smoking! I'm going to school full time and working full time at one job and working part time at another one. There's definite maturity in all of those actions, but emotionally, yes, we have both had to deal with some immaturity issues (if you'd like me to remind you of a few, I'd be glad to do that in some other venue, but I don't think that this post is the correct place to do that! :eg: :8o: ;) ) You know what I mean though! Yes, we HAVE been immature and have had to "grow up." I don't think that this is a bad thing though... I just think that it's part of the process of quitting. I believe in calling things as they are... when I am whining and complaining and don't want to continue with my quit, yes, I'm being immature! Does that mean it's wrong? NO!!! Does that mean it's not normal? NO!!! Does that mean that I'm not going to do it? Probably not! All it means is that I still have a lot of growing up to do, as we all do. Can't you