Hello Friend, You might think this, my opinion might sound a little off the wall, or just plain crazzy, But after smokeing some 40 years, I do believe myself that my mind was clogged with nicotine and smoke from all the years from inhaleing cigerettes, for I dream a lot more today, then I use too,it started like 2 or 3 months after I quit smokeing on this website,
I think Friend, that Your body and mind is just healing from the addiction of these cigerettes, and it is giving Your mind space to dream now, I can't believe of dreams ever killing Anyone, unless You sleep walk out in the road, and get hit by a semi-truck,
Congrats on thos 17 days, and Yes, thos Withdrawal symtoms hang on for some time, mine seemed like lasted for 2 months at least, but then everyone is different, So hang in there Friend, It will get better, BELIEVE ME, BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT, JUST HAVE PATIENCE WITH YOURSELF, Take care, Smokeless in Oklahoma :)
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 812
Hours: 23
Minutes: 55
Seconds: 4
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked