Hi Cheryl :)
I totally agree with Shevie and you did the right thing by posting your feelings. I went through the same thing only on a smaller scale. Enough though to know what you are feeling. Like you said the other night the snow is finally gone you are in a new season and it won't be long before the boat will be finished.
In other words spring is here time to rejoice may be work with a garden or flower bed. Get involved with your life on a new scale, one that does not include smoking or thoughts there of. Parties are great and hosting one can be a challenge but it can be done and like Shevie said the next party will be easier and less demanding.
Cheryl you are one strong individual. I have had the pleasure of watching you grow in your quit, read your posts and help you celebrate. 18 more days and you will hit that magic 300 mark that is the final turn on the road to freedom from nicotine addiction. I want to help you celebrate that day.
With kindest regards,
duffis's Quit Stats
Since Sunday, February 13, 2005, I've been smoke-free for:
1 Year(s), 58 Days, 6 Hours, 40 Minutes, 16 Seconds.
I have saved $1,776.60 by not smoking 12698 cigarettes.
By not smoking I have added
91 Days, 16 Hours, 44 Minutes, 3 seconds.
to my life expectancy.
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 6854
Hours: 22
Minutes: 27
Seconds: 17
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked