Oh and Lady - I think your "friend" outdid mine - what a charmer but, hey, you are still on your quit and I'd imagine she's still smoking and not feeling great about how she behaved. But, you know, I don't think they mean to be cruel or insensitive (Josie) - what I really think is that they are very, very scared. They are afraid that we will succeed and they will be "left behind". I know my friend is always coughing and wheezing. She knows smoking is killing her. Her first grandson is coming up 4 now and she told me she hates it when he watches her when she smokes but she feels powerless to stop. She has "tried" before but never lasted more than a day and thinks she is a failure and that she can't ever stop. Like I said before, my quit is for me but if (when) I do it I'm hoping she might see that she can do the same. Plus my sister's promised that if I can stop for 3 months, she'll quit as well (she's smoked over 40 a day for nearly 30 years!!!).