It sounds like you both have pin pointed an area where you can improve. Having a healthy sense of worth is essential to a healthy mood. You two deserve to feel good about yourself. What do you think it would take for you to start feeling a bit better about yourself? What's one goal you can put in place today that might help?
Gosh I agree. My poor self image is the biggest reason I self isolate. I too find it near impossible to accept a compliment. I have a hard time believing I have dserved it and it only raises the standard I must meet.
I have put on weight since I took medication and have tried various. But since I have received treatment and switched to Abilify the symptoms don't seem as bad. Also since on abilify my weight seems to have stabilized.
Hi Ashley. I finally got up the courage to talk to my wife and to my doctor about this. They both are helpful and understanding. I think a huge part of my problem is that I don't have much self-respect. I'm overweight and slow moving because I have bad knees. I asked my doctor to sign off that I was medically fit to use the company gym for not-impact exercises like stationary bicycle or the rowing machine and he said losing some weight is a good first step to improving my self-image. I am seeing him again in a couple of weeks to see how I feel and determine then whether medication is necessary to help me along.
I also had a good long chat with a couple of co-workers whom I trust. One of the things I told them is that one thing I take worse than criticism is a compliment. They are supportive and will work with me to understand that the quality of what I am doing is good.
This program can help. Get started on session one and take you time working your way though. Be sure to do the homework even if you don't feel like doing it. It will take practice and lots of hard work to make changes.
What else are you doing to tackle this? Have you received a diagnosis?
Hi Stephen and good to meet you. Nice to hear that you have a support person. As for the gambling, you are not alone. I belong to a large mood disorder group and a great many of us have concurrent issues such as that. I think it is a form of self 'medicating'. I'm sure the professionals around here can better speak to this. Anyway, hello.
Hi everyone, I'm Stephen. I am married to a wonderful loving woman and can't really understand how I became depressed and how it took a terrible turn. A few years ago my job took a downward spiral and most days I can't wait for the workday to end. I've become anti-social and fearful of what others think of me and it seems I spend much of my free time at a video lottery terminal (and we all know how that turns out). So I'm here for support and sharing of thoughts and ideas.