Hi Amber, What's a girl like you doing in a place like this/? Lol. Same as me I Guess.
I'm a 38 year old woman and today is my first day here. Just wanted to say hi. I know my mother has anxiety issues tho she may not admit to them. I think I may have had this for years undiagnosed. But it all came to a head when a number events occurred with a two year period. Serious illness, a terminal illness of a family member, death, relationship issues etc... I was spiraling without knowing it. I've tried a few things but my brother recommended this so here i am. I hope we both do well in this programme. I'm diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety
I've been following a blog called the "good men project" and they posted an article outlining 5 things you can do to help with depression. Online therapy was one of them, and this site listed. Thought I'd give it a try!
My name is Amber, I'm 24. Graduated a few years ago with a BA in Psych, currently underemployed and the stress worsens my diagnosed dysthymia and anxiety. Woo! I've also let my anxiety get the best of me more than once or twice, and it sometimes results in disordered eating (either emotional overeating or just uncontrollable eating and I also had a period of extreme caloric restriction...not fun). Both my dad and my grandmother (his mother) suffer from mental illness. Grew up with dad as a binge drinker/drug abuser to cover up his illness. I also believe that my mother has anxiety but won't admit to it.