Hi ~m. I'm both glad and sorry to see you back here, if you know what I mean. I'm back here after a while of not participating, as I was feeling a lot better for a while. But life has caught up and dealt me a few 'interesting' cards of late. The resultant stress and tiredness has kind of knocked me back into the jaws of the old black dog again. Ah well ...
I think you and I have helped each other out in the past, and hopefully we can support each other again on this turn of the merry-go-round.
Welcome back. I am sorry to hear that you are feeling isolated. I hope that going over the depression program will help you get back on the right track.
Hi... I used to be a regular here for a couple of years, but have gotten lazy (?), forgetful (?), in denial (?) and it has caught up with me. Just coming back is reminding me of the positive things I learned while working through the DC program. It helps to be held accountable by other people too. I've become so isolated... it is soooo easy to hide and then slip into the negative downward spiral.
I hope to get out of myself by coming back, doing the reading and homework again, and participating on the forums. I look forward to meeting new folks and reconnecting with old friends .
Here's to hope and health and well being for me and for you. For all of us struggling with the big D.
I think I'm dealing with some seasonal/anniversary depression which is weird because summer time should be happy and fun. Spend playing in the sun with friends and family and all that good stuff.