Welcome to the forums. I hope you will find useful some of the tools available here on this program.
Keep motivation going is very important with CBT to have the results.
I have learned that the "results" is not finding the perfection and 100% peace of mind, but instead to accept who we are and our natural fragilities as human beings.
We say mild to moderate as people with sever depression will likely need help in person from a professional. Have you talked to a doctor about a diagnosis? It is important to get a diagnosis to determine proper treatment.
Talk to a counselor is a great idea - it sounds like you are being very proactive in your healing. This will take you far!
When it comes to depression set backs are normal and actually an important part of the healing process. While getting treatment you will have good days and bad - the important thing is that you learn from your set backs - once you read more of the program you will understand more of how to do that.
It sounds like you have remained strong for a very long time - know that you can be completely open with us - we don't expect you to be strong. It also sounds like you have given a lot of yourself for a long time. I am glad you are now looking to give back to yourself. Stay determined and you will get to where you want to be - there is an end at the end of this tunnel and you will be stronger for fighting through this.
You could always start reading the program to determine if this would be a good fit for you. If you start in the first session it will give you basics of what this program is all about. Take your time with it and be sure to do all the homework. Also, post often. We will be here to support you through this every step of the way.
Yes I have contacted a counsellor to help me further as I know it is more than I can solve on my own. The feeling of depression varies; sometimes it seems you have a good hour or a good day, you feel strong and you know you can overcome this. At other times, it's like a set back, you fall back on negative memories and tend to loose hope of regaining control of your emotions. What's hard is going on and on everyday, pretending that all is ok to your colleagues, your child or familly and friends. At some point, you break and I have. It's difficult to see yourself go in a spiral and feeling helpless to know how to stop it. For sure what I feel is at times is more than moderate depression and if the program is intended for mild to moderate, then perhaps it is not for me...Thank you for your reply.
I am sorry to read all that you have had to go through. Have you considered talking to a counselor about this as well? Over coming emotional abuse can take time and it may be helpful to talk to a professional - they may even be able to direct you to resources within your area.
This program is intended for individuals who have mild to moderate depression. It is based on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy principles which is one of the best treatments for mood disorders. What has your experience been with depression?
Today I discovered the site and the tools available to help me recover from a 15 year relationship. I have come to realize through some research that I have been in a narcistic relationship and mentally cripled by the emotional manipulation, lies, cheating and extreme emotinal pain. Its been hard to let go and still is...to realize a person who seemed to love you so much and yet can be so cruel or uncaring, unawhare of their actions or show no remorse. I have focused so much on trying to helpg him and saving our familly that I forgot about saving myself. Like when you are in a plane, they say in event of an emergency put your mask first before helping someone else...I just realized I forgot to put mine on all this time! I am hopping to become stronger and find happiness and calm again in my life.