Several things are percolating for me right now... and I'm trying to sort through them. So I went back to Thought Records and then on to Positive Core Beliefs Survey ... which really is another form of thought record. Actually writing the answers down on paper with pen... is pretty powerful. I am surprised by my answers. Paying attention IS so important.
Questions about myself:
1. What would I like to be like? Pretty much just the way I am but with more confidence.
2. What kind of person would I like to be? Kind, generous, serene & confident.
3. How would I like to behave? Thoughtfully, carefully confident.
4. What would I like to believe about myself? That I am creative, caring and wise
5. How would I act differently if I believed this? I would act the same but with greater surety.
The rest of the survey has questions about the world and other people and questions about the future... equally positive answers. Again the question... If I believed my answers how would I act differently. I do believe my answers. It IS time to act differently.
I have finished session 9 and thought that I could skip thought records as I would start working in core beliefs. In fact, I haven't been writing thought records for a few days.
Today I realized how it is very easy to went back to old ways of thinking (depressive thoughts) and started using thought records again (which have helped me in the past).
The importance of paying attention to the signals of depression is obvious so I can implement preventive measures as soon as possible.