Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Good for you for working with your doctors and pharmacist to help "clear the fog". It is very important to have that support in order to help your mind and body!
I just wanted to let others know my journey to finding the right medication.
Two years ago my GP noticed a change in my demeanor. We discussed it and she put me on Celexa. I started to feel better. I stayed on Celexa for the next 2.5 years. Summer of 2010 life started to get stressful and Depression became a stronger aspect in my life again. On April 24, 2011, my doctor took me off work for a week. I'm still off. Over the next seven moths this was my journey: increased Celexa as far as we could go, tried Effexor in increased doses, tried Pristiq (Ah Ha! this was a good base) but still had to up the dose.
I didn't get to see a Psychiatrist until a few weeks ago. She was impressed by my GP and how she had explained everything to me. I won't bore you with the details of what each med does to your chemical balances. She wanted me to start another. So I tried Mirtazapine and was so tired everyday that I could barely function. Needless to stay, we stopped it. We added Abilify last week. Finally, the fog cleared and I feel better. My concentration, memory and attention to detail have all increased significantly. And best yet, I don't feel tired unless I don't get enough sleep.
I wanted to share so that anyone who is struggling to find the right medication will know that sometimes it takes awhile to get it right.