Welcome to our support community. The members here are fantastic, they can help and they do know where you are coming from. Take the time to go through the program, learn about this disease and use the tips and tools to help you progress.
We are here to help, support and guide you every step of the way.
We look forward to hearing more from you, so post often!
Thank you for your website. I just got started, but I can't tell you what an encouragement your program is to me so far.
About me - My depression started about five years ago when my marriage fell apart. I first got help about three years ago from a doctor who gave me anti-depressants. I took them for awhile and they helped, but I always felt sort of wierd when I was taking them - less depressed, but just not myself. I've been coping without help for the past two years. My turning point was recently when I met a nice lady and things went well at first. But, because of my depression symptoms, I ended up driving her away. I've already lost so much in life, I can't continue like this. I need some help. Thank you again for everything you've done with this site. I'm trying to go forward with a positive outlook.