Depression involves a range of characteristics including mental, emotional and physical symptoms.
Have you noticed a pattern to the sadness your feeling? Does it occur at a certain time of day?
What do you do or tell yourself to overcome the sadness?
In order to monitor how you are feeling, I recommend using the Interactive Tools found in the 'Toolbox' on the DC site.
The Mood Tracker will help you identify possible triggers and monitor your 'level' of sadness (instead of the word 'depressed', insert 'sad' to better reflect your situation).
If your feelings persist or become more intense, I suggest consulting a health professional.
We're here for you, so check in with us often to let us know how you are doing.
I was wondering if you could help me identify something? I recently have been having these sudden thoughts which lead me to feel really sad. It does not last long however I have noticed that it has been happening for a week now. I get such a feeling once a day and lasts anywhere from 5-30 minutes. After that I feel pretty normal. I have personally looked into depression and don't seem to have the typical symptoms, only sad thoughts which last for a short time. I do not want this to become an issue where I do end up with clinical depression or something worst then that, but was wondering if this is the early stages and that I should seek support now or something else?
I have been diagnosed with OCD and one of my biggest fears has been to have depression. I fear it and in the past I would normally just have anxiety but never sadness. I am not sure if it is my OCD playing games with me again or if it is something that I should be concerned with.
My thoughts which lead me to feel sad can stem anywhere from thinking my OCD will last forever to actually thinking I will feel depressed and that I will not be able to function. Sometimes I think the thoughts are created by my imagination which is trying to emulate depression but then again I seem to feel sad and it is like something is hurting in my gut. Only thing is that it only happens for a very short time and the rest of day everything is perfectly fine.