The old me was a vibrant, fun loving, artistic person. I was a typical Leo, life of the party. When I got married, I had my bridesmaids pick out flowers that either represented our relationship or how they pictured me. My best friend picked an oriental poppy. The reason: She said that in her mother`s garden it was the brightest most beautiful flower and that as soon as you walked into the garden, it was the first thing you noticed. She said that it reminded her of me. I want to be that person again.
I enjoyed drawing (which I don`t do), fashion (which I couldn`t care less about now), acting (not on your life anymore) and going out with friends (I am so withdrawn I don`t know how to reconnect). The biggest thing was laughing. I used to laugh all the time. In high school, I won best smile. Not because I had the prettiest smile or straightest teeth but because I was always smiling. I am looking forward to regaining that side of myself again.
You have come to the right place. I have personally seen this program change members lives. If you put the work into it, it can work. It is important to stick with it. Make a schedule for yourself and stick to you goals. Reward yourself for each session you complete and for every little bit of progress you make. We are all here to support you through it and I encourage you to post every day. The more involved you are in the support group the better.
A question for you ineedhelp and Rowsie, what was the old you like? What makes/made you happy?
I feel the same way. I just want to get back to the way I felt when I was happy. I'm starting week five of the sessions this week and it really does work. I have felt better than I have in a long time. The key is to do the homework and really make it a priority in your life, then eventually you start to feel better. The timeframe is different for everyone of course but you'll get there. This is a great program.