I understand feelings feeling enormous. Not a fun way to be. I get overwhelmed with emotions and try to sort them out. I sit and cry for no reason or at least I can't come up with one and that drives me crazy too. It's good that you can identify your feelings. It took me a long time to get to where I could put a name on an emotion. Can you identify the thoughts behind them?
I also want to say that not all counselors are good. Some graduated in the bottom of their class, scored low on the certification test and are barely counselors, let alone good ones. The other thing about counselors are that even the good ones - not every counselor fits an individual. It took some time for me to find the "right one". Someone with whom I could share thoughts, feelings, etc with feel comfortable and get some feedback to help me work through things.
That being said. The best thing I ever did was stumble on to this place searching for answers. I started off wanting everything fixed right away. I learned that wasn't possible and went back and started working each session slowly and meticulously.
I know a break up hurts and I once had a relationship which I thought was going to last a life time and there was someone else in the picture. He told me(on my 40th birthday) that he loved me and then two days later there was someone else. I asked him why? He said because he didn't want to ruin my birthday (lame excuse, looking back I laugh) at the time I was devastated and couldn't understand. I, begged, pleaded and cajoled to get him to reconsider and follow "our" dreams. He wasn't interested and it took a long time for me to accept that internally in my thoughts and reconcile my feelings about him. But I did do it and now - well, I thank God for unanswered prayers. I'm glad they found each other and we've actually become long-distance friends.
I think it is important that we take a step back and look at the situation. I know easier said than done. There is a list of questions that the moderators have in our tools as well as post occasionally, I wish I could remember them. I think it would help you with this situation.
Anyway, getting to that point of acceptance is hard, losing someone even if it is because they moved on, is a grieving process, allow yourself time to feel those emotions. Not everyone feels them in a specific order or for a specific time frame. It's good that you know what you are feeling and it is okay to feel that way.
It sounds as if you have a lot more going for you with your education and compassion (what are some of your other positive traits?)
I hope this helps some.