I thought that I would introduce myself, as I just joined today. I'm 24 years old, a female, diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and, lately, what appears to be an anxiety disorder, although I've no official confirmation on that as of yet. I've battled depression for years, had two hospital stays after some awful stressors, (the death of my best friend following on the heels of the end of a relationship), and a little over a year later, here I am.
My doctor just started me on a regimen of Prozac and Klonopin, which so far seems to be helping. At least, I don't feel the dark bottom of the well as often as I did before - but it's only been a week, so I'm still testing the waters with these new meds. I'm in therapy, which helps to have someone to talk to.
I also have a condition known as New Persistent Daily Headache, which basically means I have a headache that never goes away. This has been with me for over a year, and I am right now trying to get disability because it affects my ability to work. This is just my little introduction; feel free to ask any questions if you like, not really sure what all to include here.