Welcome, Monique. I also have the wonderful anxiety/depression combo and it often feels like the two feed off each other. Glad to hear the blogging is helping you. Keep it up!
Do you know about the Panic Center? You may also want to take a look there if Social Anxiety Disorder is your primary issue. Same CBT approach but geared towards methods of managing your anxiety, whether or not you have panic attacks.
Hey! Thanks for responding. And I'm going to try the program. I'm already going to a CBT group for depression, so I've already learned most of the material but theres no harm in looking this over as well.
Welcome to the program! It's so great that you are taking steps that frighten you but that you are realizing are helpful as well. That is very brave and clearly important.
Are you doing the program? The readings and activities are very helpful, as is posting here. Let us know how we can help!
My name is Monique, and I’m 22 year old blogger from Ontario. Film is my passion, so I pursued Film & Television Production in college. However, since graduating I’ve been suffering from depression, which was only the underlying issue provoked by my Social Anxiety Disorder, which I didn’t even know existed until months ago. Now, I’m going through treatment and writing a blog to journal my progress. I've also decided to write a blog about my experiences, which has been absolutely terrifying but extremely therapeutic as well, as I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.