Yes, I have tried many doctors in the past but they have never been of any help, in fact, they have only ever made things worse. I did get access to a student psychiatrist this year, but she REALLY made things worse. And when her school term ended, so do our visits. I am currently on a waiting list to see other doctors (I am in rural I could be waiting years) but I don't expect much from them.
I haven't used this online mood tracker yet but I have tracked my life before (wrote down what I ate, how I felt, what my poop was and found some patterns. The worst depression always precedes what I call "the black stain". A few days before my menstrual cycle some light bleeding will occur. This light bleeding signals relief. The depression will improve greatly just before my time of month but come back slightly as soon as the cramping and heavy bleeding starts. I also found that when I took birth control pills I went completely insane. The stronger the pill, the more insane I went. And I found that consuming white sugars and stimulants also increases depression. Funny thing is, when I start feeling down, I crave sugar, starch and stimulants! Stress seems to also increase my depression. One of the worst triggers is criticism. Yelling at me for doing something wrong is a great way to start my downward spiral. Especially if it was something I had no control over. I also found that taking time off to "relax" doesn't help me much. It makes me antsy and gives me more time to think negative thoughts. But I do read...not thinking about my own life when I am reading...when I am not too depressed to concentrate on reading. If I am too depressed to concentrate, I find watching a movie is easy enough. But I can't watch horror. I feel the movies. So I choose comedy in order to lift my spirits. False reality...thinking of the worlds of books and movies...but at least it gives me a break from the reality of my negative mind.
Thanks for your reply. I have talked to doctors in the past, but currently do not have access to one (well, have one, but have been waiting years for an appointment). However, I am in no urgent need to speak to another doctor. They just make it worse. We have tried psychiatrists, pyschologists, social workers, a bunch of drugs and last time I spoke to the doctor I refused to take any more drugs so she refused to offer any other solutions unless I was on drug therapy. So...I am on my own to find answers and I found this website.
Yes, I am exhausted. I have said "no" to sooooo many things. I used to work 60 hours a week, homeschooled my kids, was home alone with my 4 acres, growing our own food, by hand, volunteered as an English teacher etc., had a gym membership, aerobics class, took kids to music, soccer, dance...But we dropped so many things. I only have one job now, and usually only work about 15 hours a week (but up to 30 hours a week). I don't volunteer for anything, the kids dropped out of most activties (except the odd free ones), I don't socialize much anymore and can't see much more I can cut out. One of my children is an infant so I usually read or watch TV when he is nursing. When the kids go to bed, I go to bed. However, I am usually the first up. I prepare for the day and get work done before they get up. I would love to have a quiet time but I have exhausted my babysitting budget (way way exhausted) trying to make it easier for myself to get things done. I certainly have no where to send them for a couple of days unless I drove to another province (which not sure my vehicle could last that far ). I don't get much alone time and would like more, but it is not really an option.