Thank you for sharing this with us and opening up. I highly recommend working through the program, the sessions are full of helpful material. Start by setting aside of certain amount of time each day to work on the sessions and work on increasing the amount of time gradually.
Know that you are not alone, we are here for you. Post often. If it helps to type out what you are experiencing, than b be sure to type as much as you need to.
Hi there. Am a little shy about all this but I can type things better than I can speak them. Just had a visit from my minister and, of course, cried most of the time. I told her I feel like I am just feeling sorry for myself and am feeling guilty about no going to work. I have been off work for almost a month now on stress leave. My doctor just keeps sending a note to my boss to tell him that I am still unfit for work. I am worried that I may lose my job or that I will never feel like going back. However, I am the steady breadwinner at the moment. My husband has been off work for 2 years and just does seasonal work around here. I am just tired of going to work even though I think I still like what I do. Anyways, this is me right now.