Goofy, that's great that you had a fun night with your old highschool friends. Hang on to this feeling, so that next time you feel anxious about an outing, you can pull this experience out of your memory as a way to reassure yourself that things will be fine.
I had a great time with the girls. Rode with someone. After we went to lunch, we went to Coyote Ugly's and I danced on the bar and got a t-shirt (sober). They all (14 others) thought I was crazy, lol, I had fun. I love to dance.
We went out that night and I drank a little, we closed the bars down at 3:00 a.m. I danced all night and we had so much fun. It was great to get to visit with them and we planned to do it again soon! Yipee!
Good news, Goofy. I'm happy you're able to go on your outing with the girls and glad you're feeling better. Setbacks seem to knock us for a loop, don't they?
Geez, gratitude - I guess this experience taught me a lesson. Gratitude that it is only temporary. Hopefully this will carry me through the next dizzy time. I've not experienced that degree of dizziness in 5 years, so gratitude that it doesn't happen at that magnitude and length very often!
The depression is worse than "normal". Anxiety still higher than normal. But I'm grateful I'm through the dizzy episode and the rash is gone and has not returned - yipee. I am going to get to go on my weekend outing with my girlfirends from high school, I had some anxiety over that the last couple of days, kept expecting the dizzy to go away sooner. so I am grateful that I found someone to ride with (don't want to take a chance on getting dizzy on the way down there) and am still getting to go. Of course, anxiety about going, but pushing through that!
lol, gotta get packing for the trip, I did laundry yesterday and picked up where I'd been unable to keep up! Grateful I had a day to do that so can come back to a picked up house( lol, not clean). Not dizzy at all today!!!! yahoo!