Hi 1oldman, we are not old, we just fell that way because of our problems. If you think about it, people who aren't depressed seem to have more energy, more vitality, more youth. My great-grandmother (granny) was never so old as the last 2 years of her life, when she became very ill and depressed, before then she would walk, shop, play and enjoy all life had to offer her, until her 97th birthday. I don't know where the energy came from, (probably from civil wars in Russia/Ukraine/being ousted from her home at a young age and learning how to adapt to loss and upheaval at a very young age) but that little lady (I say little because she was barely 5 feet tall if that) So until you make it to 100 your not old. One of her favourite things to do was to try new things, she even tried the kids video games and enjoyed watching wrestling on TV. Granny enjoyed the Rock, with his big tanned muscles. She was of an age that it didn't matter what she said, or who she said it to, she had earned the right to voice her opinion and no-one talked back.
Crazy as this may sound, sometimes, I just get silly with my kids (teenagers), it annoys the heck out of them but I feel better for having just done something completely silly and out of character. I am a neat freak and have recently been saying to the kids when a mess is made, leave it till later, or it's ok it's only dirt. Completely out of character for me. But try something silly like waiving at a complete stranger as you drive by (we have done this for many years) at first it felt awkward, but when you get a smile and a waive back, wow, that can make your whole day. Or you can try something like squishing your toes in the mud (I have heard lots of people like that but I haven't worked up the courage to go outside without proper shoes and socks on). Think of something silly and let us know how it goes.
I try to keep in mind that things can't get much worse than they have been, so is this as good as it gets, I don't think so, we just have to keep looking.
Take care 1oldman and keep looking.