Welcome to our support group! The information you find here from the program and from the other members who are quite knowledgeable should help you on this journey. Please feel free to browse through your toolbox and work through the program. We also have weekly Group Program Discovery sessions where members can post their experiences with each section.
Come back often and let us know how you are doing.
Hi Erika, I'm also new here and not much of a 'talker'. I don't really really like talking to people but I do enjoy keeping a diary and writing things down, so hopefully this idea of the support groups will help me get some feedback in writing.
I can't tell you much other than I became depressed as a teen, it came and went in waves. I've had issues with my body imagine (I'm a bit over weight) that have not helped me.
Hi Erika, and welcome to the group. What kind of therapy are you currently taking? Feel free to alawys share with us, we won't judge as many of us are going through similar things.
Welcome, Erika. This is a good place to come. We can be really honest about ourselves and others here because of the anonimity. Be sure to make an effort to work the program. It works when you do! Again, welcome!
I can understand the not talking thing, I don't have that problem, my problem is that no-one asks me specific questions (or questions that pertain to me). Most healthcare professionals ask me questions, such as, my favourite, "What do you think the problem is?". If I had that answer, now I wouldn't be here would I? I have responded as such and have gotten some pretty nasty looks. The more I think about it, the funnier it sounds.
But enough of that, I am glad you came here, we always welcome a new addition to our fold and will be here to listen to you, support you, or even give you a kick in the bum (not very often, but sometimes required, just kidding, but I think we should have a boot emoticon for when we need it, because I know there are days, when someone should just plant one on my kiester and tell me to move it).
Welcome to the site, I hope you find it useful. I do. It is good that you are doing the therapy, hopefully it will help you. I think we've all been "bad" with talking about certain things. I've really opened up the past 6 months to my family about what is going on with me, what I'm going through, what they can do to help. You can try to be more open to, you may find it liberating to tell others about yourself and you will see that many of us here share a lot in common.
Again welcome, feel free to be yourself with us! We are all in it together.
Welcome and thank you for sharing a bit of your story with us. There are many
people within this support group that share the same questions and
concerns as you. We are all a group of individuals who support each
Please take the time to read through the program
and to explore
the tools and resources that are available to you through this site. We
are here to help, support and encourage you in what ever you need. You
will definitely find that there are many members who have or who are
going through the exact same thing as you.
Stay close, and keep us posted on how you are doing.
Hi - Im Erika and im a newbie. I suffer with depression and anxiety, go to therapy 2x a week for over a year, it ok but slow progress. Im very good a 'not talking' about stuff - probably doesn't help. keep getting headaches at mo - so not sleeping good. Thank it really.