I am glad to hear you had a lovely visit with your family and got to travel with your son to India to visit your other son.
I also find it hard being home again after being on a trip and enjoying myself. I too am trying to find ways to keep up and positive when I am not traveling. It does take a lot of effort and creative thinking.
I am talking to a friend from India when I read this post. He lives there. He is quite young have talked to him on the internet for over 5 years. I would love to go to India. Just had to say that.
Take a look and read the post Samantha posted under the Goal Setting and Activity Scheduling, titled Setting SMART goals. When you have a goal make sure it fits under the SMART category: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time based.
For example, if you wanted to spend some time with friends you can make a goal that says: I will call this friend by Tuesday evening, to ask if they want to go to a movie on the weekend.
Feel free to post your goals using the Interactive Tools in the Toolbox.
Wow you went all the way to India?? That is so exciting! Glad you came back safely, it must have been such an experience to go halfway across the world...
One of my resolutions is also to surround myself with friends and well with more positive people in general...I know what you mean about it being hard to do, it's hard to find the motivation. Try hanging on to that positive feeling, and do things even when you don't feel like you want to (I'm the one giving the advice here...but maybe I should take my own advice lol).
I found that keeping myself busy and around people that I love (and who love me!) was very uplifting. Now that I'm back home on my own again, I'm just going to have to commit to activities that I like and try to schedule outings with friends. So easy to say. So hard to do...
Welcome back to the forum! I'm happy to see you had a good time over the holiday season and were able to even do some traveling! India, is one of the places I'd love to visit one day.
Do you think there are things you can do in your life right now to re-create that feeling?
I'm back to the DC after a very long holiday. I visited my family on the east coast for Christmas and then my oldest son and I flew to India to spend a couple of weeks with my youngest son. For almost three weeks, I felt as if I didn't suffer from depression! Being around people you love, laughing and joking and teasing was the best treatment plan I've had in a long time. Now, I'm back to the midwest, work and the normal grind, but I'm going to try to hold on to the feeling I had this past holiday season. I've missed everybody on the forum. It'll take me a while to catch up with how everyone else is doing.