Thanks Ashley and Wildcat,
Wildcat, it sounds like you've been through a lot, I've seen some of your other posts on here and you have a lot to offer.
I've done a lot of analyzing and re-analyzing my life in the past little while. My biggest problem is that I dwell on things too much and one thing in particular- that I am still single after many unsuccessful dating attempts. Sometimes it' s my fault, sometimes her fault, but I learn something about myself from each experience and how I should tackle the next one.
I know I have a lot to offer, my family tells me that. Friends and family also tell me the right one will come along when I least expect it and I shouldn' t go looking for "it", I should just enjoy life. When I think rationally, I can relaize that but for just a few seconds, but I have this feeling of lonliness ingrained inside of me so much that it' s attached to me with evrything I do and I feel like I am trapped.
What are some tricks I can do to stop myself from dwelling on it, the more I dwell the more loney and un-motivated I feel and the more I over-analyze everything. Of course, it's just a downwards spiral from there.
Ashley, you're right I am a natural extrovert. That is, when someone initiates a conversation with me and once you start me up I am good to go. But, I allways feel awkward with intiating the conversation myself, or I fear that I'll say something stupid. I allways feel that if I go to a bar, or a party, or go to any other social gathering, I'll feel that I'll be looked at as the loner, and akward single guy and just feel out of place. So, I just don't go.
I get angry at myslef and feel restless. I've never thought about suicide beofre (which is good), but when I get to my lowest points, I've felt like hurting myself just enough that my parents and a doctor will force me to get some physcological help, because then at least they forced me to get it and I don' t have to do it. Sounds stupid I know.
Your help has been appreciated.