Hey Diva,
Thanks for checking in with me.
My computer has been out for the past little while, but it's all good now. I got pissed off and took it out on the laptop and so I had to get the hard drive replaced.
Compared to what I was a while ago, in terms of how the overall week is going, I am feeling alright.
I went out on a date with this new girl, but I don' t think this will work out- like all the others. I did all the gentlemanly stuff that you ladies like and didn' t end up talking about myself the whole night and didn' t seem needy with the phone calls after that. But anyway, I showed interest in her right away, so I thought. It all went good for the night. But, it won' t work out because it sounds like she doesn' t want to make the time for me. I don' t expect someone to drop everything for me, but if we meet up once or twice a week, then that's fine for me, nothing too serious. Although I thought I did everything right, I probably screwed up somewhere along the line and she might be hiding behind the "I don' t have time for you excuse". Still, if that's the case, if she can' t tell me the truth, then I don' t want someone like that anyway. I am feeling mellow about it. it sucks, but that's how it goes.
I went up north to the cottage with my parents on the week-end, because what else am I going to do? I don' t really have any friends to hang out with on the week-end, so I go up with my parents. I love my folks, but it gets boring going up to the cottage and I am the only one there my age, so I just end up not doing much. But, I would be bored stiff if I stayed where I am because I have a motivation problem with doing stuff I like to do on my own initiative. So, at the cottage, we had company (our neighbours from a few lots down) over the one night and didn' t feel social, so I just didn' t talk much. After they left, my mom said I was rude for being anti-social, but she has to understand that's what I am sometimes and just let it be- why does everything have to be THIS way or THAT way and I can't change with the flick of a light switch.
I did play soccer last night, in the rec league. I went out to it because I dragged myself down there to sign up for it and because I paid $100 to play for the season, I should get my money's worth and play. Our team got killed and I gave the ball away to the other team a lot, but I had fun and that's all the matters in the end.
That's what I have to do for biking next year. Hopefully I don' t sound boring with this, but I talked about racing and why I gave it up. Another part of the reason for giving it up was because I got myself into quite a bit of credit card debt over the winter with buying the new bike I have now. Anyway, I almost have half of it paid off and I expect to have it 100% paid off by the end of the year- well that's what I am shooting for. I've been working hard at paying it off.
well, that's my update.