I'm 19 and I've been struggling with depression since I was about 12. It comes and goes, often seasonally, but at the moment I've got some extra-curicular depression going on. It's not too bad yet, I've only really been feeling the symptoms for the last week or so, but, I can tell that something nasty is coming and I'm looking for a way to prevent that. Normally I'm pretty happy in the summer, but lately the sun hasn't been having it's usual effects on me.
I used to be in therapy and its something I found beneficial and would like to get back to, however, I alternate between school and interning every 3 months. My school and my job are 300 miles apart, and because of that I don't think therapy is much of an option.
My depression puts a serious strain on my relationship with my best friend and boyfriend, who is the only person I'm close enough to share some of this stuff with (or the case may be, take it out on). I'm here looking for a way to ease that strain, as well as looking for ways the make the depression more manageable.