Welcome to our support community. Our members do know where you are coming from and can help with support and shared experiences. Start by going through the program slowly and taking the depression test. This can help you assess your situation better. By using the journal you can pinpoint areas to work on and progress through.
Hi all i have recently come across this site in my search for info regarding my disorder or disorders. I havent met many people with this particular disorder and dont dought that it is depression related! Im a young man who used to be filled with ambishon,Love,Drive. I now feel deflated and out of control, how can these changes happen so suddenly and why? Im sure many of you wonder the same thing! Why are some people more vhonrable than others to depression weres the line and when did we cross it? I wish i could go back to the defineing moment in my life that has lead me down this path! and just walk away or run lol.
I guess what im trying to say is im in here somewhere! and like most of us guys we dont always ask for derrections, hopefully some of you will be able to share things that have helped them cope and live a relitively normal life and maybe help me find the old me. Im very open to advice and no that all people are different in how they function in there lives, saying that hope to here from some of you guys !