I find beauty in the world when my little niece offers me a piece of her only cookie. Or when the youngest of my niece offers up her favorite stuffed animal to her older sister who has the flu.
I find beauty in the world when my mother comes over and gives me a hug and talks with me and understands my pain although she is not going through it. I find beauty in the world when my father is proud of me despite my being off work or school, he is proud of me for growing and evolving. I see beauty in humanity when my loving mother does the dishes at my house out of loves for he "baby".
I find beauty and love in the world when my husband wakes up in the middle of the night to wash the tub for me because I am crying and feeling dirty and am too exhausted to stand in the shower. I see beauty in humanity when my husband watches a movie he doesn't like with me just to cheer me up.
I see beauty in humanity when I see my brother who is a father of 4 himself, taking time to take care of my father when my father comes out of chemo. I see beauty in humanity when I see the love my brother has for his children.
I see the beauty in humanity in all the wonderful individuals that surround me. I see it in great works of art and music and litterature.
It is in the individuals, in their beauty, their greatness and even their faults that I find humanity.
me being the unusual and weird one went through this discussion with myself as a mid-teen (14 to 16). I did not want to bother to grow up and become an adult and fall into the systems... I went manic at some point and had too many parters in order to be loved and to forget what was 'real'...
But once I got to Cegep I was on my own able to make choices. And I did want to make the world a better place. I volenteered to teach literacy to adults and computer skills to primary school children. and depression-hole one came along. I burned A LOT OF bridges. But my need to change the little things around me stayed! At university I was part of the women's center and learning about the issues and challenges of being a young independant woman in a multicultural society. I finished school and went on to work marriage and family life. And from there I became a part of Nourri-Source. Teaching a supporting breasting to new mothers! And befriending a whole group of women who needed a bit of help in reorganising their lives because of these bundles of joy...
My contempt has faded to ashes with time because I have learned that there is no group 'humanity'. THere is a grouping of billions of individuals that are each unique creations of the divine power. Some individuals have one or two notions that are completely repulsive and one or two that I cherish. So how can I judge the group?
I am not sure if depression brings with it all-or-nothing thinking errors. OCD does. And perhaps Galalleni this is where the error in logic has led you. If all people are not caring, trusting and loving individuals then all of humanity is meant to be nothing but a plague to the earth. ????
My thoughts on this? I understand how you feel. I often feel so powerless and sad at the state of the world. It really seems as though people have stopped caring about one another. There have been great people who have tried to make the world better, to believe in humanity, as Faryal mentioned. Although these people were images of the potential goodness of humanity- how did the rest of the world treat them? Ghandi was murdered, Diana was hounded by the press. I do believe that everyone has goodness in them, I think they just don't see it themselves. I am also trying to see the good in the world, although sometimes it seems that all the negative disguises the good that is there.
Ghandi said 'Be the change you want to see in the world' so right now, I am just working on me. Maybe if I feel better about life, I'll see more good in the world.
It is a sad state of affairs when concepts like war and destruction still exist and influence humanity. However, there are many examples of goodness, honesty, and kindness even though these may be hard to find and see. It may be that many individuals who possess these attributes are not in positions of power. But many individuals in the history of humanity have been in powerful positions and have influenced many positive ideas - Gandhi, Mandela, Lady Diana, Mother Teresa........even the lead singer of the U2 band Bono..........just to name a few.
What do you think of them?
Has there been a single individual in your life who has influenced your thoughts positively?
Members.........please share your thoughts on this theme. Very often it is easy to feel disheartened and dismayed at the state of the world today but there are many brilliant and sparkling people and actions that we can still look up to and appreciate.
Been discussing with my counselor my contempt for humanity. I've only ever seen the malicious, unethical, and dishonest rise to positions of power over others. In nearly fifteen millenia of 'civilization' we still have the need for war and to kill one another. I have contempt for the human race, as we are the worst of all animals in existance. The sick thing is most people want to be immortal or remembered after they pass - imagine how awful immortality would be (The worst time would always be yet to come).
I am trying to get some hope for humanity, but I don't think humanity deserves my praise. I am sick of 'civilization' and people; they have only brought sorrow and destruction upon everything. Any ideas on how to regain my respect for humanity?