Hi goofy.
what is nice about the mood chart is that you have a tool that is really helpful. I have the doctor's but found this explanation of the categories much more helpful....
Severe depression: I can't function or I may have suicidal thoughts, family and friends insist I get medical help.
High Moderate Depression: I am withdrawn, I miss A LOT of work / school.
Moderate Depression: I am not interested in things; it takes extra effort to function.
Mild Depression: I feel a little sluggish and sad; I continue to function well.
good day
bad day
Mild Mania: I am more social and talkative; I feel more productive but am slightly disorganized. (hypomania)
Moderate Mania: I start things but don't finish; I have more energy and need less sleep.
High Moderate Mania: I can't focus; others get angry or frustrated with me.
Severe Mania: I feel out of control: I engage in behavior that is risky or I later regret (for ex increased spending), family and friends insist I get medical help.
remember that being bipolar is not a life sentence of being out of control. It is the name of an illness. If you have it, you have always had it! Like any other biological misfunction as time passes and our body changes, the illness presents itself differently. It is just that depression has been the target of the media to better it'a image. Then the medication is called is call Anti-depressant, so it seems like help is closer. And lets face it, the enemy you know is easier to battle that the enemy in a different uniform! is it the same enemy?
In the good old days you had periods of high energy and other days... Right now you have a lot on your plate and all your hard work on your healing HAS paid off. You are getting back to work. You have a family life that if full and challenging.
So concentrate on your victory.
Concentrate on the here and now.
And the diagnosis will be what it will be - but you will always be you!