Hi Windy,
It is great that the deep breathing is so beneficial ! If you have a lot of fears to the point of phobias or anxieties, these might be the sources of Some of your pain. Shallow rapid breathing can cause several symptomes that mimic indigestion and mild-heartattack (chest pain, tingles in fingers, loss of feeling in jaw, etc).
Physical exercises, deep meditative breathing and the box breathing here are very good remedies !!! Also, there is a fine line between listening to what out body is telling us and being hyper-vigilant for the smallest of signals. So it is perfectly okay to notice that as the week wears on you might feel a bit more tired each day. It could point out that you are coming down with a cold. However, you will cause your anxiety to rise to the limits of tolerable if you take your pulse every 37 minutes and worry that it has risen even if you have not gotten up from your chair in the last 15 minutes. Fatigue in the first case is your body telling you that something is coming along. THe second case is one of hyper-vigilance and where one is looking for a symptome.
All this Rambling because I am in a mixed stated these past two days ... and need to get all the ideas out in a bunch, to say...
Just because one doctor cannot find the exact source of your pain does not make it unimportant or not real. If you have a way to deal with it like exercise, or deep breathing then these natural methods should be exploited to the full potential.
I noticed that you mentioned some fears and anxiety and when I am wound up like a spring it hurts me in the middle of my chest ... the first times I thought I was going to die at 12 yr old. I thought the dr who told me it was stress was crazy and that I was a hopeless case in the last moments of my life!!! Well, I have learned a lot since then and my General Anxiety Disorder manifests itself as a tight sharp pain just above my heart or as a burning from the middle of my chest to the back of my mouth (acid-reflux). So if you are Stressed and Running Ragged, you might be doing yourself the best thing!!!
I hope all this new things, the recipie, the company, the job, the class, the social-group, and the dr appointment all go well.
Do you find some time to rest in the middle of all that?