Look as for meds I was on antidep for 8 months and now I'm off since end of July. I'm doing well. They are not addictive more than other meds but you need to follow your doc instructions when taking them and stopping them. If not you can have some redrawl side effects. For me it was mostly some dizziness. But usually in a week or two it will just go away.
hey im not 1 for meds because i no how addictive they are and seen the reprocussions of taking them, i have nothing against them there just not for me. and i suppose i want to do this totally on my own, nothing else involved maybe just a chat from a few people.
This forum is very nice you will see! Nice supportive folks here. Up to now, the program is good too :) Glad to see you taking a step towards feeling better! Hang in there and welcome to the forums!
Welcome to our support community. Before going to the doctor take the depression test and bring along a copy. This can help better assess the situation for you both. Take a look through this program and our sister site's program for panic at PanicCenter.net . Both sites contain programs, knowledge and a support group that is beneficial for assistance and contact.
The members do know what you are going through and can be of great assistance and support to you.
Take it slow, post and learn how to progress through this.
welcome to the forum. I hope you find the tools and information really useful and it helps you to manage your illness.
may i ask???
why the prejudice against medications?
**it seems like good mental health and medication are understood to be opposites** or are they just part of that stigma-thing? don't worry Karla i often ramble and question while i answer... it is part of me having a conversation with you .
hi, my names karla i have very bad depression atm and panic disorder. my depression has got progressively worse now im scared of what happens to me when i die!and petrified of leaving the people i love and never seeing them again. it also bad because of the panic disorder and general life. im going to the docs about it this week but do not want medication