Stay with it. The sessions seem hard to understand mainly because we're not geared to think of our thoughts as negative. We believe them to be true and accept them as they come to us without challenge. It will take several readings and alot of digesting of the material. Taking your time is essential.
I don't do my sessions in a week's time because it takes me a long time to really digest the material and then more time to put it into practice. Even then I sometimes don't feel I've accomplished much, but I remain hopeful that eventually I will be able to. Hang in there Panda, we understand!!!
It can be a bit much. Just take your time and read things over and over if need be (I often read things twice over before I understand or absorb it). Good luck! Let us know how session 2 goes.
Well, I just opened Session 2 and there's lots of words to read.It seems to me that there's a much better explanation of The Activity Schedule which I found very difficult to do the first week. I may stay on 2 until my brain can absorb the system.
I think Brenna gave you great advice! I find taking my time with the program very helpful but I think we all need to take it at our own pace! Keep us posted!
Evaluating your moods is a very personal activity. Only you can rate how well or not well you are feeling. Take some time to reflect on moments in life when your mood was a 10 and others when it was 0. Now compare how you are feeling today with this.
The goals of all of the exercises is to understand them before moving on to the next one. Complete the exercises at your own page and move on when you are ready. We usually suggest one lesson per week.
Keep us posted.
I'm finding it difficult to put an evaluation on my moods in my activity schedule in Session 1. I also wonder how specific I need to be in order to effectively advance to Session 2.
My two mood choices are Depression and Anxiety/Fear. As I'm writing this I even find that I'm being anxious how well I'm presenting my thoughts.
My depression has been an ongoing always there like 40% . Shoot! I've lost my thought trend. I'll post and get back later.