You should be proud of yourself for taking steps in the right direction. It sounds like you have a very supportive husband, that will be helpful. There are many supportive people on this site and it's a good place to go when you need to "talk" to someone or ask a question.
Welcome to the site, I've found it a great resource with lots of practical ideas, and many people who appreciate your (our) situation. I hope you will too. You're very brave to start taking these first steps. I hope you'll find other steps start to fall into place. It's worth all the effort.
Thanks for sharing your story with us and welcome. We do know where you are coming from and know that the members can also assist and share with you. You have your husband who seems very supportive, so now start getting active about your progress. Challenging the negative thoughts can help you progress and move forward.
Take a look at our program and use the tools to help guide you. Our mood tracker can help you every step of the way. The members have and are using the program, so call on them to help you. We are always here and it can make a difference.
I'm a 51 yo woman who has struggled with depression and anxiety my entire life. I grew stronger and more confident when I entered my 30's and became successful at work and started living a full life. I married for the second time, grew active in church, enjoyed my daughter, did volunteer work and was happy. Then I became disabled due to various health problems. I had to quit work 11 years ago when I was 40.
For the past 11 years I have spent most of my time in bed severely depressed although I tried not to be. I wanted to make the best of things. But I just started abusing my pain meds and spent more and more time in bed and gained alot of weight. I turned from a slim attractive woman to a fat ugly one. I used to be neat and now I'm a slob. I have zero friends. No one likes me at all except my two dogs.
I threw my muscle relaxants away the other day and my husband was so proud of me. I was proud of me. I feel awake again and thought I'd try one more time to be less depressed. I take Effexor and Wellbutrin.