Good to hear I won't drown during my workout!
Your parents mean well. They view a corporate job as the easier way. Getting set up on your own is more risky and takes more time to yield income. They likely think you should start with a larger company and build from there. All of this said you still must make your decision.
I have a daughter who doesn't like to be told or suggested to. She is extremely hard headed - to her detriment. As a parent it is worrisome because I want the best for her but she bucks everything she is told or suggested. She seems to pick the worst possible answer and run with it like it's a trophy. I worry that she's going to wake up one day and realize what a mess she's made - this scares me for her. Ultimately, after trying and trying I have backed way off and allowed her the freedom to go her way. I have realized that I can only offer suggestions when she asks, but I have also stopped bailing her out when she messes up. This is hard but I feel it's the only way to make her responsible for her decisions and actions and not have her blame me.
You don't seem to be like my daughter in that you are actually doing constructive things with your life. Studying and wanting your own business - I'd be proud if I were your parents. Worry about you, yes I would. I would likely give you suggestions too. But they would need to be just that - suggestions, "food for thought", etc. If you can think of your parents words as suggestions and not expectations, (even if they are expectations, because they really should be suggestions only), you may be able to get past the pressure and assert yourself a little more with your parents. This way you're not disrespecting them because you have considered their suggestion, but also set up the boundary of making your own decision.
I know I speaking from a parental view somewhat, I am one, and I understand your situation because I have expectant parents myself. I hope it helps
Mom of 3