Hi Sunday,
Welcome aboard! A good starting place for you in preparation for your next appointment might be to take the depression test located in your session diary under the tab: your progress (session results). Depending on the results, you can begin working through this program or the program at our sister site: www.paniccenter.net
If you have any questions, don't hesitate.
Danielle, Bilingual Health Educator
Never thought I was depressed..Just thought I was a nervous anxious sort. Then the crying started and the all over blahs. Then the unability to concentrate or get much done. And etc etc...Finally...went to my Dr. Found out I had a temp of 101 and didnt even know I was sick because I had been so miserable. My Dr put me on Buspar and also Lexapro..I am to go back in 2 weeks to see her. I couldnt breathe..I guess I was having panic?
Just wanted to say hello.