Welcome to our support community. We are very sorry to hear about your loss. Thank you for taking the time to share a little bit about yourself with us.
Like our members have suggested, consider taking some time off work to grieve and look for additional support for other in your situation.
Brenna, Bilingual Health Educator
Unfortunately, I have been there as well. Big hugs go out to you for I know how devastating a loss like this can be.
Take time to heal. Take some time off and mourn the loss. It isn't easy to get through but you can do it. The tears will stop but it takes time.
For what it is worth, many who have miscariages often get pregnant again within a short amount of time. The anxiety is a bit much to deal with after recently losing a child but those I know that have been through it make it through the next time without issue.
Just remember, this wasn't meant to be for some reason. You would not have wanted a child with a lot of problems. You want a healthy baby. Take some deep breaths, let the tears fall, and take one day at a time.
oh dearest... I know exactly what you feel! I **** a baby in 2000. My little one died at 8.5 weeks of pregnancy and my body started a spontanious abortion at 12 weeks.
I saw the ultrasound pictures of my baby in the bottom of my belly.
I went into crisis without realising what was going on.
If the doctor gives you time off - take it to grieve.
Here, near Montreal, one hospital has a program for grieving parents. I wish I had sought that kind of help at the time. The grief will run its course, but you might need some help - especially if you have had a problem with depression before.
now you have your body to heal. your head, heart, and "husband" all must also heal. So try to take the time.
I recently lost my first baby. We went in for a routine ultrasound and saw the baby on the screen only to hear the doctor say "I think there is a problem" and ultimately be told that there was no heartbeat. I was scheduled for a D&C last week and have never been so devastated. This week was my 40th birthday which seemed to make things worse.
I tried going back to work this week but I can't stop crying and I can't stop reliving the day we found out and worrying that the doctors made a mistake and aborted my baby too soon.
I have suffered from depression in the past and very concerned that I won't be able to come out of this grief.