Well, as for friends, no I really don't have any. Friends were friends of BF's. As for family, I've got my parents, but I'm not that close to them to talk to about certain things. They've invited me over to spend the night or have supper with them, but I really don't want to because my mom can get to be a little bit annoying. She tries to pry, and wants to know everything, she treats me like Im still in my teens, although Im 39! But I guess thats how moms are, I wouldn't know, I've got no kids.
I've managed to communicate with a crisis center, and they're trying to get me an appointment a.s.a.p with a psychiatrist. Hopefully I won't have to wait 3-4 months this way.
I've also got an appointment next friday with a private psychologist. Praying that BF, has not taken me off of his private insurance.
I'm trying like heck to keep myself busy, but things keep playing over in my head. I'm definalty not looking forward to the weekend. I know I'll still be sitting here waiting for a phone call from him, at least hoping to have some type of closure.