My family doc put me on remeron, it worked good for a few months until the anger/rage feeling kicked in. I finally went to the hospital to emergency and saw a psychiatrist the next day. He perscribed seroquel. My moods feel much better. I think you should see a psychiatrist.
Thanks for all of your input. Makes me feel better about going to a psychiatrist. I was determined to get better without the meds, but the last few days have been awful and I figure, what have I got to lose by trying one more? I just hope it doesn't take months to get the referral!
A psychiatrist is likely your best bet. Remember, a psychiatrist is an MD with a concentration in mental health as oppose to general family health.
Danielle, Bilingual Health Educator
I think that the difference is that a psychiatrist has more time to listen to your problems than a doctor so has a better chance of prescibing the the coreect medication for you.
Unfortunately it seems to be the case that its all a bit hit and miss anyway!
If you look back through the posts, most people will have tried more than one type of drug to find one which works for you.
Also they all seem to come with unpleasent side effects to varying degrees.
I had a very bad reaction to a couple and was/am hesitant to now change even though both my doctor and psychiatrist have advised me to change.
The thought of coming off my meds, the withdrawel is terrible, and the thought that the new meds may make me worse before they make me better is quite daunting.
All I know is, i cant seem to function without the medication and you have to stick with it for a few weeks before the side effects stop.
I wish you luck, dont rule out any more meds they may just help you get your life back.
Keep us posted.
hi lovely,
I have both! My md was not comfortable with the higher doses of anti-deps, anti-psyco, and my weight. Also, he noticed that I have made some progress but is some instances was stagnant... so he wanted an evaluation and a specialist's point of view of my illness.
Especially since I am taking effexor and am bi-polar. the effexor can provoke some nasty manic reactions in most people.
The psychiatrist gave my md a report and I have been too busy to care for myself. I am doing the med thing like a good girl but really slacking off the mind work for this rush season.
maybe i'm rambaling now...
I don't know the answer but my daughter (with her psych degree and interest in clinical psych) says my doctor NEVER should have prescribed meds before referring me to a psychologist or psychiatrist. My family doctors have been offering me meds for years but I only took them a couple of years ago, when I was desperate.
When I went back recently and said I still fell into suicidal depressions despite the meds (although not as deeply) and thought I needed more help, I was prescribed a higher dose.
It is just so much easier for a family doctor to try medication than to decide if the person is just a little down or truly needs psychiatric help.
I still have not got the courage up to go in and demand a referral
Anyone have any thoughts on whether there is any difference in seeing a general M.D. or a psychiatrist when it comes to meds? My family dr. tried me on a couple that didn't work, side effects were terrible, so now she's referred me to a psychiatrist.
Initially I told her that I refused to take any more meds because my experience was so awful I'm scared to take anything else. But maybe a psychiatrist is more likely to find the right meds or combination of meds for me?
Has anyone found that a psychiatrist is more likely to prescribe the right meds as opposed to an M.D.?